
Superskill dla Android

  • Darmowa

  • Po Polski
  • V 4.6
  • 4.5

  • Status bezpieczeństwa

Recenzja Softonic

Platforma do inteligentnego budowania kariery Superskill

Superskill is the world's smartest strengths and career platform developed by KnackApp. This innovative app combines intelligent games, powerful AI, and scientific algorithms to help users discover their hidden genius and unique strengths. Superskill has been recognized and awarded by prestigious institutions like Harvard, MIT, and the US Government.

With Superskill, users can play brilliant games that are powered by science to uncover their strengths and find their "sweet spots." The app provides personalized results that help users understand their special strengths and offers training guidance and recommendations for the best training paths. Additionally, Superskill offers personalized college guidance to help users determine their best college majors.

One of the standout features of Superskill is the ability to earn certified strength badges, which can be used to demonstrate one's strengths to potential employers. The app also provides insights into areas that need improvement, allowing users to reach their full potential and achieve success.

Furthermore, Superskill allows users to build a unique profile, making it easier for companies looking to hire to find them. The app is completely free to use and aims to help users build their best future in a world where the nature of work is rapidly changing.

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Superskill dla Android

  • Darmowa

  • Po Polski
  • V 4.6
  • 4.5

  • Status bezpieczeństwa

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